Medical Negligence

With over 27 years of experience in medical negligence litigation, Kate leads our team of experienced and committed legal professionals.

Specialists in Medical Negligence Claims

Kate Williams Medical Law Specialists is a firm that represents plaintiffs in a range of medical and surgical medical negligence matters. We represent clients against health care professionals, health care facilities and allied health professionals whose standard of professional care has fallen below a standard which is required by the law.

We also act for plaintiffs who have received negligent advice from lawyers in relation to their personal injury claims.

Based in Sydney and leading our team of legal professionals, Kate Williams has over 25 years’ experience in medical and professional negligence in Australia, helping clients achieve justice and compensation in a wide range of matters.

Unlike other firms, our firm is committed specifically to medical negligence law. It is not just our area of expertise, it’s our passion.

Decades of Expertise

With decades of experience in medical law claims, insurance issues, and complex cross-border cases, Kate Williams and her team are well equipped to win your case and confront any difficulties and adversaries that arise. We act for clients across Australia for medical treatment and advice provided in New South Wales and Victoria.

Australasian Lawyer 5-Star Personal Injury Awards 2022

Our firm was recently recognised by the Australasian Lawyer as a 5-Star Personal Injury Law Firm. The principal of the practice Kate Williams was also awarded and recognised as a 5-Star Personal Injury Lawyer.  This recognition was awarded on feedback from the legal profession and peers in the field of personal injury law and was conducted by a research team and awarded to the highest ranking law firms and practitioners.

For further details regarding these awards see:

Kate Williams features in the Edmunds Coronial Inquest (March 2023 – Albury)


The principal lawyer Kate Williams represented the family of Williams Edmunds in the recent Coronial Inquest in Albury in March 2023.

William Edmunds, 79, from Oaklands, died in the intensive care unit at Albury Base Hospital on December 2, 2019 from complications of peritonitis.

The Coroner has now handed final findings and recommendations for improvements in surgical services at Albury Base Hospital for patients and families. For an updated story, please see the following link:

Medical Negligence

If you have an injury arising from medical, dental and/or allied health treatment, we can provide advice as to your rights to seek compensation.

Kate Williams benefits from her history as a Registered Nurse, and understands the medical system, and what treatment clients ought to have received in any given case.

Having worked in a major national plaintiff firm for over a decade, Kate has assessed more than 2,000 claims. With this knowledge spanning 25 years, she can efficiently provide clients with a case analysis, allowing cases to be assessed and commenced without delay.

Dental Negligence

Claims arising out of dental negligence can involve your general dentist, orthodontist, oral surgeon or other sub-specialties of dentistry. Usually, cases arise because of poor planning (recommending the wrong course of treatment) or the right treatment plan with time frames between intervention that are too short. Cases can also arise when a dentist who isn’t qualified to perform the surgery they recommend does the surgery themselves, often in their consulting room without a proper surgical setting being available (or adequate post-operative follow up).

Dental claims are a highly technical area of medical negligence claims and need the right expert specialties examining the right information to provide an informed opinion. We have a particular expertise in dental claims specifically and have achieved excellent results in this complicated area.

Our commitment to you and your case

Your first contact

Unlike most law firms that handle enquiries through hotlines manned by law students or administrative staff, your very first conversation with us will be with a qualified lawyer who understands medical negligence. From the first telephone call you will receive advice about the prospects of success in your claim..

We will know you personally

You will know your lawyer due to our regular communications about your case. Rather than cold emails or text messages we prefer to speak with you face to face or on the telephone to get to know you and your individual situation, as well as to build your trust and to give you the most value out of each conversation.

Specialist Expertise and Courageous representation

Like properly provided medical treatment, winning your case involves meticulous preparation and good execution. We plan, anticipate and execute an individual strategy in each case to maximize your compensation and give you honest advice.


We don’t use legalese to show you what your case is about. We believe that clients should understand
our advice and we use plain English.


Most clients are looking for answers, not academic analysis. We focus on results, not memos.


We provide a unique service and we want to help as many people as possible. We are available to travel
to remote and rural areas to obtain justice for our clients.